von Willebrand Disorder (vWD)

von Willebrand Disorder (vWD)

TL;DR Von Willebrand disease or disorder is an inherited coagulation disorder caused by mutations in the von Willebrand factor (vWF). vWF is a factor VIII carrier protein and mediates platelet adhesion to endothelium Pathogenesis ▾ Quantitative deficiency Type 1:...
May Grunwald Giemsa (MGG) Staining

May Grunwald Giemsa (MGG) Staining

Introduction Similar to the Leishman stain, MGG is part of the Romanowsky stains and adopts the same principle. MGG stain consists of May-Grünwald stain and Giemsa stain. MGG stain is used for morphology assessment of bone marrow aspirates especially in diseases like...
Hodgkin Lymphoma & Reed-Sternberg

Hodgkin Lymphoma & Reed-Sternberg

TL;DR Hodgkin Lymphoma is a heterogeneous group of disorders caused by malignant lymphocytes that accumulate in lymph nodes presenting as lymphadenopathy. Hodgkin lymphoma is differentiated from non-Hodgkin lymphoma by presence of Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells and a...