Primary Hemostasis: The Platelet Plug

Primary Hemostasis: The Platelet Plug

Introduction Hemostasis is the coordinated physiological mechanisms that prevent and stop blood loss after injury. This coordinated response involves two main phases: 1. Primary Hemostasis: Tiny platelets rush to the scene, sticking to the injured vessel wall and each...
Venous Thrombosis (VTE)

Venous Thrombosis (VTE)

What is venous thrombosis (VTE)? When we talk about thrombosis, we usually focus on arteries because their high-pressure flow makes them prone to sudden, dangerous blockages also known as arterial thrombosis. But don’t underestimate the veins! Venous thrombosis...
Arterial Thrombosis

Arterial Thrombosis

Introduction Thrombosis, in its simplest form, is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) within the vascular system, specifically inside blood vessels. This clot acts as a physical barrier, partially or completely obstructing the flow of blood. Unlike extravascular...
Rh Typing using Tube Method

Rh Typing using Tube Method

Introduction Apart from the ABO blood group system, the Rh blood group system is also important because anti-RhD can cause hemolytic transfusion reactions (highly immunogenic) and are normally IgG, thus able to cross the placenta and lead to hemolytic disease of the...