Rh Typing using Tube Method

Rh Typing using Tube Method

Introduction Apart from the ABO blood group system, the Rh blood group system is also important because anti-RhD can cause hemolytic transfusion reactions (highly immunogenic) and are normally IgG, thus able to cross the placenta and lead to hemolytic disease of the...
Platelet Aggregation Test (PAT)

Platelet Aggregation Test (PAT)

Introduction When a blood vessel is injured, platelets rush to the scene, forming a sticky plug to seal the wound and prevent blood loss. This vital process is called platelet aggregation, and its effectiveness is often assessed through a crucial test: the platelet...
Physiology of Hemostasis

Physiology of Hemostasis

TL;DR Hemostasis, the intricate process of stopping and restarting blood flow after an injury, has different stages, each playing a crucial role and relying on the previous one for successful completion. Vascular Spasm ▾ Importance: The immediate constriction of...
Platelets: Guardians of Hemostasis

Platelets: Guardians of Hemostasis

Introduction Platelets are not just simple “band-aids” for blood vessels but provide the delicate balance between hemostasis and thrombosis. When a vessel wall is breached, platelets are the first responders. Drawn by the siren signal of exposed collagen,...