

TL;DR Lymphoma is a group of cancers affecting the lymphatic system, vital for immunity. It encompasses both malignant (cancerous) and benign (non-cancerous) forms. Key differences ▾ Malignant lymphoma: Uncontrolled cell growth in lymphocytes, potentially spreading...
Serologic Crossmatch

Serologic Crossmatch

Introduction  A serological crossmatch, also known as a blood compatibility test, is a vital procedure performed before a blood transfusion to ensure compatibility between the donor’s red blood cells and the recipient’s serum or plasma. In the realm...
Hemato-Oncology: Recognizing Blood and Cancer

Hemato-Oncology: Recognizing Blood and Cancer

What is hemato-oncology (blood cancer)? Hemato-oncology specifically combines areas of hematology and oncology to diagnose and manage cancers that develop in the blood cells, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and other blood-related organs. Hemato-oncology is a fascinating...


What is hematopathology? Hemato-what? Ah, hematopathology! This exciting field bridges the gap between these two specialties. It combines the expertise of both hematology and pathology, focusing specifically on diseases and disorders affecting: Blood cells: Their...