Antibody screening mixes patient plasma with red blood cells to detect unexpected antibodies. Agglutination indicates possible antibodies, requiring further identification for safe blood transfusions
JAK2 V617F Mutation Allele Specific PCR Protocol
Uncover the JAK2 V617F mutation, a key driver in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs). Learn ARMS PCR, a reliable technique for diagnosis!
Serologic Crossmatch
Crossmatching mimics transfusion by mixing recipient serum & donor cells. Clumping (agglutination) indicates incompatibility, preventing transfusion reactions.

Interpretation of Antibody Identification Antigram
Antigen identification antigrams decode antibody reactions in blood transfusions, ensuring safe blood selection by identifying compatible red blood cells that lack the antigen targeted by the recipient’s antibody.

Antibody Identification
Incubate patient serum with panel RBCs, check for agglutination! Enzymes & antiglobulin tests may be used to reveal hidden antibody reactions.

Antibody Screening
Antibody screening mixes patient plasma with red blood cells to detect unexpected antibodies. Agglutination indicates possible antibodies, requiring further identification for safe blood transfusions
Rh Typing using Tube Method
Unraveling the Rh code! Mix blood with anti-sera in tubes. Incubate, centrifuge, & observe. Clumping reveals antigen presence, guiding safe transfusions.
Immunohistochemistry Staining (IHC)
This immunohistochemistry protocol guides you step-by-step through visualizing specific proteins in tissue sections, aiding in accurate diagnosis of various diseases.
Platelet Aggregation Test (PAT)
Platelet aggregation test: Checking how blood cells clump to form clots using different agonists.
Hemolysate Preparation for Hb Electrophoresis or Alkaline Denaturation Tests
Red blood cells lysed to release hemoglobin for Hb electrophoresis and alkaline denaturation test. Hemolysate preparation requires careful steps to ensure accuracy and reliability of results.
Manual APTT Mixing Studies
Manual APTT mixing studies involve mixing patient plasma with normal plasma or specific factor concentrates to differentiate factor deficiencies from inhibitors
ABO RhD Test Tube Method
The ABO RhD Blood Grouping Tube Method is a serological technique used to determine an individual’s blood type by mixing blood serum and red blood cells with antisera and observing for agglutination.