Stay Ahead of the Curve in Hematology

The calendar below showcases upcoming events relevant to hematology that we’ve curated specifically for you.

Looking for a more comprehensive list of global hematology events?

We understand the importance of staying informed about the latest advancements in the field. While we strive to provide valuable educational opportunities here on this website, there’s a whole world of hematology events happening all year round that are not to be missed.

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ISLH 2025

May 7 @ 8:00 am - May 9 @ 3:30 pm ADT


On behalf of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology (ISLH) and our partner organizations: Canadian Hematology Society (CHS), North American Specialized Coagulation Laboratory Association (NASCOLA), Accreditation Canada (AC), and the Institute of Quality Management in Healthcare (IQMH), we cordially invite you and your colleagues to attend ISLH 2025 the XXXVIIIth International Symposium on Technological Innovations in Laboratory Hematology. Please join your laboratory hematology colleagues in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada at the Halifax Convention Centre from May 7-9, 2025 with the pre-meeting educational workshop on May 6th.


May 7 @ 8:00 am ADT
May 9 @ 3:30 pm ADT


Halifax Convention Centre
1650 Argyle Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia NS B3J 0E6 Canada
+ Google Map
+1 902-421-1302
View Venue Website


International Society for Laboratory Hematology

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At myhematology, we would like to become the primary resource for everything on hematology education so if you would like your hematology event to be listed on our website, please do contact us</p?